Thursday, 7 May 2015


In World War 1 they used 303s. They had leather pouches to put the bullets in. They had a little spoon and the spoon dropped some oil on a cloth. The cloth cleaned the barrel of the gun. They used different settings to change the angle of the machine gun with a special instrument.

Mr Bryant won a trophy for being the best cadet in Nelson. Mrs Bryant brought some things in. She brought a pocket made of leather and a dummy cartridge used to practise loading and unloading.

A shell will damage your ears. The big shell case is 70 centimetres high. It is made of brass. The cardboard case carried packets of 75 bullets.

In World War 1 there were lots of explosions. The shells had shrapnel inside them.  The shell we saw in the classroom was made in 1917. They had to carry 75 bullets for the day.

At school our teacher Mrs Bryant brought in some things from WW1 to show us. I got to see a thing that carried bullets. It was a cylinder shape. We also got to see a cleaning bottle that the soldiers used to put oil in to clean their gun. Another thing that we saw was a traffic light. They used it to see in the dark. It had little bits around the sides so that it only shone forward because the soldiers did not want any one to see them. Another thing that we saw were some pouches that had some bullet shells in them. They carried the pouches on a leather belt. I also got to see a really big shell made of brass. Another thing that I saw was a shell that was made into a trophy. At the top of the shell it was curved to make it look fancy. It was for Mr Bryant for being the best cadet. I learnt a lot about World War One. It was fun. I like learning about World War One.

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