Berries are on some native trees. They're red to attract the birds so that the birds eat the berries then fly off. After that the bird poops it out and it grows a new plant so it's a circle: plant grows berries, bird eats the berries, bird flies off, poops berries out, grows a new plant. Nicholas
I learnt that stoats and possums are bad. Possums are bad because they climb up trees and eat the native bird's eggs then more native birds are gone and native birds are beautiful. If possums are killed there will be more native birds. Flynn and Cael
I learnt that there are two different traps. One is for rats. The rats go in the rat trap and try to eat the peanut butter. The other trap is for stoats, weasels and possums. They use eggs as bait for the stoats, weasels and possums to trap them in a trap. Sarah
I learnt the difference between the stoat and the weasel. The stoat has a black tip on its’ tail and the weasel doesn't. Agnes
Rick walks up high hills to find the traps and to check for mice, stoats, rats and possums because they are pests and they eat the birds and their eggs. Alani and Carter
From our school trip we donated enough money for one fence post to keep the pests away. Some of the pests would be cats. Holly
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