Monday, 30 June 2014

Brightening Our Classroom

Balloon Fun
When it was my turn I started off on a testing paper. The first decoration I did was some dabbing.
Then I went onto my real painting. My first decoration was a swirl.  We had to use primary colours. I started off with blue. Then the next day I did yellow and red. It’s really cool how you can paint with the balloons. After I did some single colours I mixed the two colours together. You start with one colour and you go all over the edges. After you do the painting you stick a weka on. It is really fun.

Our class Weka did placemats for our desks. We had to swirl our balloons in paint then we did more swirling, swirling, swirling and swirling.
Gabriel R.

 “Pretty patterns,” I thought as I dabbed some more paint on my placemat. I watched the blue paint swirl. Soon everyone else had to have their turn. The next day I used two colours. They were red and blue. It made more patterns. We used a balloon to paint the placemats. I washed my balloon and chose two other colours. They were blue and yellow so when I made more patterns it turned out sort of green. I smudged the paint, pressed and turned the paint and dabbed the paint. It made so many lovely patterns on the placemat.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Hockey Yr 3, 4 Tournament

This year hockey was amazing. My team came second. We had to zigzag. We kept control of the ball. We hit the ball a bit too hard sometimes. Our best win was eight to zero. We lost to Henley. Hamish
I didn’t want to leave because I was having so much fun because we won all of our games. Then we went to verse St Paul’s but St Paul’s won. Then they went to verse Henley. They lost so in first was Henley School, second was St Paul’s, third was St Paul’s. Henley got the trophy.
Gabriel R.
I was looking forward to our first game at the hockey tournament. When we got there we were very excited. The first game was really easy: we won two-nil. We won all our games. Then it was the semi-final: we won. Then it was the final. We played really well. When I got subbed Sam told me that I had to be goalie. I told her that I’m really bad at goalie but I was gaolie anyway. I got ready to trap the ball. When they struck I trapped the ball. They had another strike: they scored. I was annoyed. I went out of the goal and ran up the field like a zooming cheetah. I scored right after the buzzer. They said “No goal”: I was gutted. The man took a photo.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


On Sunday the 24th of May I went to a competition at Nelson Gymnastics and competed against Blenheim and Greymouth. My group competed on bar, floor, beam and vault. I really enjoyed my floor routine. We have another competition in three weeks time. It is going to be so much fun. My sister came first on floor and second on vault. Over all I came third place out of Blenheim and Greymouth. I was in the over 8s and I was so excited when my name was announced.

Dance Performance

On Wednesday Weka class had a treat to go to Salisbury school because there was a dance going on. I thought that it was Zumba but no. It was sitting and watching but I didn’t mind because the people were like acrobats: it was amazing. At the start two people were under white quilts. I didn’t know what they were but it had to be exciting whatever it was. A hand popped out of the quilt each side. They did a high five that made me laugh but then they lept out of the quilt. They were dressed up as penguins. I liked it because they said their names in a DJ rap like this “I am Penny and this is Squeak and we have the longest beak”.

Today at Salisbury gym we watched four people dancing. I liked Alby the best. She was an albatross. It was a really exciting and amazing dance. Squeak and Penny were penguins and SeeSee was a sea lion. It had a bit of drama in it. They were in different costumes. There were sparkly eggs too. Squeak went on roller skates. Some of it looked like it was acrobatic. Sometimes they went up to people. I thought it was fantastic. But I didn’t like them coming up to me because it was a bit scary. It looked like they were going to fall on you. I was fine though.

The first dance looked so hard the dancers were doing back flips and handstands and probably the best cartwheels. They were dressed as animals: penguins, a sea lion and an albatross. The next dance they did was holding and throwing the shiny sparkly eggs. That dance was amazing. I felt like going up there and dancing with them. My favourite character was the albatross because she was good at doing the drama and it was a girl. In the next dance the boy was going around the room on his roller skates and then he went behind the walls and put his shoes on. Then the albatross had a fight with the girl penguin and they pretended that the girl penguin was dead. The last dance was when the penguins were dressed up as a big grouchy bear and tried to scare the sea lion away.
At the end they all introduced themselves. They said that they were travelling all over the world: it was fun!